Getting npm permission error when doing npm ci on windows self hosted runner? Don’t sweat, we’ve got you covered!
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Getting npm permission error when doing npm ci on windows self hosted runner? Don’t sweat, we’ve got you covered!

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If you’re struggling to run npm ci on your Windows self-hosted runner and encountering those pesky permission errors, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of npm, Windows, and self-hosted runners to provide you with a comprehensive guide to resolving this issue once and for all.

What’s causing the permission error?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand the root cause of the problem. When you run npm ci on your Windows self-hosted runner, npm attempts to access the file system, which can lead to permission issues. This is because npm is trying to write to the node_modules directory, but the system is preventing it from doing so due to restrictive permissions.

The self-hosted runner, being a separate entity from your local machine, has its own set of permissions and configurations. This separation can cause conflicts when running npm ci, resulting in the infamous “EACCES: permission denied” error.

Solution 1: Run the command prompt as an administrator

One simple solution is to run the command prompt as an administrator. This grants the command prompt elevated privileges, allowing npm to access the file system without any permission issues.

To do this:

  • Right-click on the Start button (Windows 10/8) or the Command Prompt shortcut (Windows 7)
  • Select “Run as administrator”
  • Type the command `npm ci` in the elevated command prompt

This solution should resolve the permission error, but it’s essential to note that running the command prompt as an administrator can pose security risks if you’re not careful. Be cautious when using this method, especially if you’re working with sensitive projects.

Solution 2: Change the ownership of the node_modules directory

Another approach is to change the ownership of the node_modules directory to the user running the self-hosted runner. This grants the necessary permissions to npm, allowing it to write to the directory without any issues.

To do this:

  • Open the Command Prompt as an administrator (using the method described earlier)
  • Navigate to the directory containing your project (e.g., `cd C:\Projects\MyProject`)
  • Run the command `icacls node_modules /grant:r “USERNAME”:F` (replace “USERNAME” with the actual username of the self-hosted runner)

This command uses the built-in Windows utility, icacls, to modify the permissions of the node_modules directory. The `/grant:r` option adds read permissions, and the `”USERNAME”:F` part grants full control to the specified user.

Solution 3: Configure the npm configuration file

If you’re not comfortable with running the command prompt as an administrator or modifying directory permissions, you can configure the npm configuration file to specify the correct permissions.

To do this:

  • Open the file `C:\Users\USERNAME\.npmrc` (or the equivalent location on your system) in a text editor
  • Add the following line to the file: `prefix=C:\path\to\project\node_modules` (replace “C:\path\to\project” with the actual path to your project)
  • Save the changes and close the file

This solution tells npm to use the specified directory as the prefix for installing packages, effectively bypassing any permission issues.

Solution 4: Use a package manager like yarn

If you’re still encountering issues, you can consider using an alternative package manager like yarn. Yarn is designed to be more secure and efficient than npm, and it often resolves permission-related issues.

To use yarn:

  • Install yarn globally by running `npm install -g yarn` (or use a package manager like choco)
  • Run the command `yarn ci` instead of `npm ci`

Yarn will take care of installing dependencies and managing permissions, often resolving the permission error.

Troubleshooting common issues

While the solutions above should resolve the permission error, you might still encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome these problems:

Error Message Solution
EACCES: permission denied, scandir ‘C:\path\to\node_modules’) Verify that the node_modules directory exists and has the correct permissions. Try deleting the directory and re-running `npm ci`.
EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir ‘C:\path\to\node_modules’) Check if the node_modules directory is being used by another process. Try closing any open command prompts or IDEs and re-running `npm ci`.
npm ERR! cb() never called! This error is often caused by a malfunctioning npm cache. Try running `npm cache clean –force` and then re-running `npm ci`.


Getting a permission error when running npm ci on your Windows self-hosted runner can be frustrating, but with these solutions, you should be able to resolve the issue and get back to developing your project. Remember to always exercise caution when modifying permissions or running commands as an administrator. If you’re still encountering issues, feel free to explore other troubleshooting options or seek help from the npm community.

// Remember to replace "C:\path\to\project" with the actual path to your project
// and "USERNAME" with the actual username of the self-hosted runner

// Solution 1: Run command prompt as administrator
npm ci

// Solution 2: Change ownership of node_modules directory
icacls node_modules /grant:r "USERNAME":F

// Solution 3: Configure npm configuration file

// Solution 4: Use yarn
yarn ci

By following these steps and understanding the underlying causes of the permission error, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue and successfully running npm ci on your Windows self-hosted runner.

Additional Resources

For further reading and troubleshooting, refer to the following resources:

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Getting npm permission error when doing npm ci on windows self hosted runner”:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with npm permission errors on your Windows self-hosted runner? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some common questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue:

Why am I getting a permission error when running npm ci on my Windows self-hosted runner?

This error occurs because the npm ci command requires administrative privileges to install and update packages. By default, the Windows self-hosted runner doesn’t run with elevated permissions, hence the permission error.

How do I run the npm ci command with administrative privileges on my Windows self-hosted runner?

You can run the npm ci command using the `runas` command in your pipeline script. For example: `runas /user:administrator npm ci`. This will execute the command with administrative privileges.

Can I configure my Windows self-hosted runner to always run with administrative privileges?

Yes, you can configure the Windows self-hosted runner to run with administrative privileges by setting the `AGENT_ALLOW_ELEVATION` environment variable to `true` in your pipeline script.

What if I’m still getting permission errors after configuring my runner to run with administrative privileges?

In this case, you may need to check the file system permissions for the directory where your packages are being installed. Make sure that the user running the pipeline has write access to the directory.

Are there any security implications of running my pipeline with administrative privileges?

Yes, running your pipeline with administrative privileges can introduce security risks if not done carefully. Make sure to limit the scope of the elevated permissions to only the necessary parts of your pipeline.

Let me know if this meets your requirements!

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