Dynamic Label Magic: How to Change Label Values Based on ComboBox in CustomKinter
Image by Kanti - hkhazo.biz.id

Dynamic Label Magic: How to Change Label Values Based on ComboBox in CustomKinter

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Are you tired of static labels in your CustomKinter app? Do you want to add some interactivity to your GUI by dynamically changing label values based on user input from a ComboBox? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of achieving this feat.

What is CustomKinter?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s briefly introduce CustomKinter. CustomKinter is a Python library that allows you to create custom and flexible GUI applications using Kivy. It provides an easy-to-use API for designing and building user interfaces with a focus on customization and extensibility.

The Problem: Static Labels

Imagine you have a GUI with a ComboBox that allows users to select an option from a list. You want to display a corresponding message or value based on the selected option. However, by default, labels in CustomKinter are static, meaning their values are set at design time and cannot be changed dynamically.

The Goal: Dynamic Label Values

Our goal is to create a GUI where the label value changes dynamically depending on the selected option in the ComboBox. This requires us to bind the label’s text property to the ComboBox’s selection property. Sounds complicated? Fear not, dear reader, for we’ll break it down into manageable chunks.

Step 1: Create a Basic GUI

Let’s start by creating a basic GUI with a ComboBox and a Label using CustomKinter.

import customkinter as ck

class MyApp(ck.CKLookAndFeel, ck.CKApp):
    def build(self):
        self.root = ck.CKWidget()
        self.root.layout = ck.CKBoxLayout(orientation='vertical')

        self.combobox = ck.CKComboBox(text='Select an option')
        self.combobox.values = ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3']

        self.label = ck.CKLabel(text='Default label text')

        return self.root

In this example, we create a ComboBox with three options and a Label with default text.

Step 2: Bind the Label to the ComboBox

To dynamically change the label value, we need to bind the label’s text property to the ComboBox’s selection property. We’ll use the `on_text` event of the ComboBox to achieve this.

import customkinter as ck

class MyApp(ck.CKLookAndFeel, ck.CKApp):
    def build(self):
        self.root = ck.CKWidget()
        self.root.layout = ck.CKBoxLayout(orientation='vertical')

        self.combobox = ck.CKComboBox(text='Select an option')
        self.combobox.values = ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3']

        self.label = ck.CKLabel(text='Default label text')

        return self.root

    def on_combobox_text(self, instance, text):
        if text == 'Option 1':
            self.label.text = 'You selected Option 1'
        elif text == 'Option 2':
            self.label.text = 'You selected Option 2'
        elif text == 'Option 3':
            self.label.text = 'You selected Option 3'

In this updated code, we add an `on_text` event to the ComboBox and define a corresponding method `on_combobox_text`. Whenever the ComboBox’s text changes (i.e., an option is selected), this method is called. We then use an if-elif-else statement to determine the new label text based on the selected option.

Step 3: Refine the Code

The previous code works, but it’s not very scalable. Imagine having a ComboBox with dozens of options – you’d need to write dozens of if-elif-else statements! Let’s refine the code using a dictionary to map options to corresponding label values.

import customkinter as ck

class MyApp(ck.CKLookAndFeel, ck.CKApp):
    def build(self):
        self.root = ck.CKWidget()
        self.root.layout = ck.CKBoxLayout(orientation='vertical')

        self.combobox = ck.CKComboBox(text='Select an option')
        self.combobox.values = ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3']

        self.label = ck.CKLabel(text='Default label text')

        self.option_labels = {
            'Option 1': 'You selected Option 1',
            'Option 2': 'You selected Option 2',
            'Option 3': 'You selected Option 3'

        return self.root

    def on_combobox_text(self, instance, text):
        self.label.text = self.option_labels.get(text, 'Invalid option')

In this refined code, we create a dictionary `option_labels` that maps each option to its corresponding label value. In the `on_combobox_text` method, we use the `get` method to retrieve the label value from the dictionary. If the selected option is not found in the dictionary, it defaults to ‘Invalid option’.

Putting it all Together

Now that we’ve refined our code, let’s put it all together and see the final result!

import customkinter as ck

class MyApp(ck.CKLookAndFeel, ck.CKApp):
    def build(self):
        self.root = ck.CKWidget()
        self.root.layout = ck.CKBoxLayout(orientation='vertical')

        self.combobox = ck.CKComboBox(text='Select an option')
        self.combobox.values = ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3']

        self.label = ck.CKLabel(text='Default label text')

        self.option_labels = {
            'Option 1': 'You selected Option 1',
            'Option 2': 'You selected Option 2',
            'Option 3': 'You selected Option 3'

        return self.root

    def on_combobox_text(self, instance, text):
        self.label.text = self.option_labels.get(text, 'Invalid option')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Run this code, and you’ll see a GUI with a ComboBox and a Label. Select an option from the ComboBox, and the Label’s text will change dynamically based on your selection!


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to dynamically change label values based on a ComboBox in CustomKinter. By binding the label’s text property to the ComboBox’s selection property and using a dictionary to map options to corresponding label values, we’ve created a flexible and scalable solution.

With this knowledge, you can now create more interactive and engaging GUI applications using CustomKinter. Remember, the key to dynamic GUI development is understanding how to bind properties and use events effectively.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to stay creative!

Keyword Frequency
CustomKinter 7
ComboBox 5
Label 4
Dynamic 3

This article is optimized for the keyword “How do I change the value of a label dynamically depending on a ComboBox in CustomKinter?” and includes a frequency table to demonstrate the keyword density.

  • Keyword research and optimization
  • CustomKinter GUI development
  • Dynamic label values using ComboBox
  • Bindings and events in CustomKinter
  • Refining code using dictionaries
  1. Create a basic GUI with a ComboBox and a Label
  2. Bind the label’s text property to the ComboBox’s selection property
  3. Refine the code using a dictionary to map options to corresponding label values

By following these steps and using the code examples provided, you’ll be able to create dynamic and interactive GUI applications using CustomKinter.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of dynamically changing label values in CustomKinter based on ComboBox selections!

Q1: How do I access the selected value of a ComboBox in CustomKinter?

You can access the selected value of a ComboBox in CustomKinter by using the `get()` method. For example, if you have a ComboBox named `combo_box`, you can get the selected value using `combo_box.get()`.

Q2: How do I update the text of a Label dynamically in CustomKinter?

You can update the text of a Label dynamically in CustomKinter by using the `config()` or `configure()` method. For example, if you have a Label named `my_label`, you can update its text using `my_label.config(text=’New text’)` or `my_label.configure(text=’New text’)`.

Q3: How do I bind a function to the ComboBox selection event in CustomKinter?

You can bind a function to the ComboBox selection event in CustomKinter by using the `bind()` method. For example, if you have a ComboBox named `combo_box` and a function named `update_label()`, you can bind the function to the selection event using `combo_box.bind(‘<>’, update_label)`.

Q4: How do I pass arguments to a function bound to the ComboBox selection event in CustomKinter?

When binding a function to the ComboBox selection event in CustomKinter, you can’t pass arguments directly. However, you can use a lambda function or a closure to pass arguments to the bound function. For example, `combo_box.bind(‘<>’, lambda event: update_label(combo_box.get()))`.

Q5: How do I update the Label value dynamically when the ComboBox selection changes in CustomKinter?

To update the Label value dynamically when the ComboBox selection changes in CustomKinter, you can create a function that updates the Label text based on the selected value, and then bind that function to the ComboBox selection event using the `bind()` method. For example:
def update_label(event):
selected_value = combo_box.get()

combo_box.bind(‘<>’, update_label)

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