Why do C Generics Use Void * Instead of Macros?
Image by Kanti - hkhazo.biz.id

Why do C Generics Use Void * Instead of Macros?

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Hey there, C programming enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to tackle one of the most fascinating topics in the world of C programming: generics. You might be wondering, “Why do C generics use void * instead of macros?” Well, buckle up, folks, because we’re about to dive into the wonderful world of C programming and explore the reasons behind this design choice.

What are C Generics?

Before we dive into the why, let’s take a step back and understand what C generics are. C generics, introduced in C11, provide a way to write type-agnostic code. This means you can write functions, data structures, and algorithms that work with multiple data types, without the need for explicit type casting or macros. Yes, you read that right – no more tedious type casting or macro magic!

The Void * Dilemma

So, why do C generics use void * instead of macros? To understand this, let’s take a closer look at the void * type. In C, void * is a generic pointer type that can point to any data type. This means that void * can be used as a universal receptor for any type of data. But wait, isn’t this just a fancy way of saying “macro”? Not quite.

The key difference between void * and macros lies in their purpose and implementation. Macros are essentially text substitutions, whereas void * is a built-in C type. Macros are expanded by the preprocessor before the code is compiled, whereas void * is handled by the compiler itself. This fundamental difference has a significant impact on how C generics are implemented.

The Reasons Behind Void *

So, why did the C standards committee choose to use void * instead of macros for generics? Let’s explore the reasons behind this design choice:

  • Performance

    Using void * instead of macros leads to better performance. Macros involve text substitution, which can lead to code bloat and decreased performance. Void * pointers, on the other hand, are handled by the compiler, resulting in more efficient code.

  • Type Safety

    Void * pointers provide better type safety than macros. With macros, you can easily pass incorrect types, leading to runtime errors. Void * pointers, however, are checked at compile-time, ensuring that the correct types are used.

  • Code Readability

    Using void * pointers instead of macros leads to more readable code. Macro-based generics can result in complex, hard-to-read code, whereas void * pointers provide a clear, concise way to express generic code.

  • Flexibility

    Void * pointers offer more flexibility than macros. With void * pointers, you can write generic code that works with multiple data types, without the need for explicit type casting or macro definitions.

  • Forward Compatibility

    Using void * pointers instead of macros ensures forward compatibility. As new data types are added to the C standard, void * pointers can seamlessly adapt to work with these new types, without the need for macro updates.

How to Use Void * in C Generics

Now that we’ve explored the why, let’s dive into the how. Here are some examples of using void * pointers in C generics:

// Define a generic function that works with any data type
void generic_function(void *ptr, size_t size) {
    // Cast the void * pointer to the correct type
    int *int_ptr = (int *)ptr;
    double *double_ptr = (double *)ptr;

    // Perform operations on the data
    int sum = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        sum += int_ptr[i];

    // Print the result
    printf("Sum: %d\n", sum);

int main() {
    // Create an array of ints
    int int_array[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

    // Create an array of doubles
    double double_array[5] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};

    // Call the generic function with the int array
    generic_function(int_array, 5);

    // Call the generic function with the double array
    generic_function(double_array, 5);

    return 0;

Generic Data Structures

In addition to generic functions, you can also use void * pointers to create generic data structures. Here's an example of a generic linked list:

// Define a generic node structure
typedef struct node {
    void *data;
    struct node *next;
} node;

// Define a function to create a new node
node *create_node(void *data) {
    node *new_node = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
    new_node->data = data;
    new_node->next = NULL;
    return new_node;

// Define a function to insert a node into the linked list
void insert_node(node **head, void *data) {
    node *new_node = create_node(data);
    new_node->next = *head;
    *head = new_node;

// Define a function to print the linked list
void print_list(node *head) {
    while (head != NULL) {
        // Cast the void * pointer to the correct type
        int *int_ptr = (int *)head->data;
        double *double_ptr = (double *)head->data;

        // Print the data
        printf("%d ", *int_ptr);
        printf("%f ", *double_ptr);

        head = head->next;

int main() {
    // Create a generic linked list
    node *head = NULL;

    // Insert an int node into the list
    insert_node(&head, (void *)1);

    // Insert a double node into the list
    insert_node(&head, (void *)2.0);

    // Print the linked list

    return 0;


In conclusion, using void * pointers instead of macros in C generics offers numerous benefits, including better performance, type safety, code readability, flexibility, and forward compatibility. By understanding the why and how of void * pointers in C generics, you can write more efficient, flexible, and maintainable code. So, the next time you're faced with a generic programming problem, remember: void * is your friend!

Additional Resources

If you're interested in learning more about C generics and void * pointers, here are some additional resources:

Resource Description
C Generics A comprehensive guide to C generics on cppreference.com
GCC Type Generics A detailed explanation of type generics in GCC
Generic Programming in C An article on generic programming in C on GeeksforGeeks

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of C generics and understand why they use void * instead of macros!

What's the main reason C generics use void * instead of macros?

The primary reason is that void * is a generic pointer type that can point to any data type, making it a universal adapter for generic programming. Macros, on the other hand, are essentially text substitution mechanisms that don't provide the same level of type safety and flexibility as void *.

But isn't void * a bit too generic, leading to potential type safety issues?

Yes, you're right! Void * does come with some type safety concerns, but that's where the concept of generic constraints comes in. By using constraints, you can explicitly define the types that a generic function or type can work with, ensuring a higher level of type safety.

How do generic constraints help in ensuring type safety?

Generic constraints allow you to specify the requirements that a type must meet in order to be used as a type argument. For example, you can constrain a type parameter to only accept types that implement a specific interface or inherit from a specific base class. This way, the compiler can ensure that only compatible types are used, reducing the risk of type-related errors.

Are there any performance implications of using void * in C generics?

Since void * is a generic pointer type, it may require additional indirections and casting operations, which can result in slightly slower performance compared to non-generic code. However, modern compilers are optimized to handle these operations efficiently, and the performance impact is often negligible.

Can I use macros instead of void * in some cases?

While it's technically possible to use macros in some cases, it's not recommended as a general practice. Macros can lead to code duplication, are harder to debug, and can introduce unexpected behavior due to their text-substitution nature. Void * and generic constraints provide a more elegant, flexible, and maintainable solution for generic programming in C.