How Can I Change the Contents of app.yaml per Branch?
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How Can I Change the Contents of app.yaml per Branch?

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Are you tired of dealing with the limitations of a single app.yaml file for all your branches? Do you find yourself constantly switching between different environments and configurations? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll explore the ways to change the contents of app.yaml per branch, making your life as a developer much easier.

Why Do I Need to Change app.yaml per Branch?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s talk about why you might need to change app.yaml per branch. Here are a few scenarios:

  • Different Environments: You might have different environments for development, staging, and production, each with its own set of configurations.
  • Feature Branches: You might be working on a feature branch that requires specific settings or configurations that differ from your main branch.
  • Team Collaboration: You might be working with a team, and each team member needs their own set of configurations for their local development environment.

The Problem with a Single app.yaml File

The default app.yaml file is a great starting point, but it can become a bottleneck when working with multiple branches or environments. Here are some limitations of a single app.yaml file:

  • Overwriting Configurations: When you switch between branches, you risk overwriting your configurations, which can lead to errors or unintended changes.
  • Lack of Flexibility: A single app.yaml file doesn’t allow for easy switching between different configurations or environments.
  • Maintenance Nightmare: Managing a single app.yaml file across multiple branches can become a maintenance nightmare, especially in large teams.

Solutions to Change app.yaml per Branch

Now that we’ve covered the why and the limitations, let’s explore the solutions to change app.yaml per branch.

1. Environment Variables

One way to change app.yaml per branch is to use environment variables. You can create separate environment files for each branch, and then reference those variables in your app.yaml file.

database_url: 'postgresql://localhost:5432'
# env.stg.yaml
database_url: 'postgresql://staging-server:5432'
# app.yaml
database_url: ${DATABASE_URL}

In this example, you create separate environment files ( and env.stg.yaml) for each branch, and then reference the environment variables in your app.yaml file using the ${} syntax.

2. Branch-Specific app.yaml Files

Another approach is to create branch-specific app.yaml files. You can create separate files for each branch, and then use a script or tool to switch between them.

database_url: 'postgresql://localhost:5432'
# app.yaml.stg
database_url: 'postgresql://staging-server:5432'

In this example, you create separate app.yaml files for each branch (e.g., and app.yaml.stg), and then use a script or tool to switch between them.

3. Using a Configuration Management Tool

A more advanced approach is to use a configuration management tool like config or fig to manage your app.yaml files. These tools allow you to define multiple environments and configurations, and then switch between them easily.

# config.yml
  database_url: 'postgresql://localhost:5432'
  database_url: 'postgresql://staging-server:5432'
# app.yaml
database_url: ${config.database_url}

In this example, you define multiple environments (e.g., dev and stg) in a separate configuration file (config.yml), and then reference those configurations in your app.yaml file using the ${} syntax.

Best Practices for Managing app.yaml Files

Regardless of the solution you choose, here are some best practices for managing your app.yaml files:

  1. Keep it Simple: Avoid overcomplicating your app.yaml files by keeping them simple and focused on a single task or configuration.
  2. Use Environment Variables: Use environment variables to make your app.yaml files more flexible and easier to maintain.
  3. Version Control: Use version control to track changes to your app.yaml files and ensure that all team members are on the same page.
  4. Document Your Config: Document your app.yaml files and configurations to ensure that new team members can easily understand and maintain them.


In conclusion, changing the contents of app.yaml per branch is a crucial aspect of managing multiple environments and configurations. By using environment variables, branch-specific app.yaml files, or a configuration management tool, you can easily switch between different configurations and environments. Remember to keep your app.yaml files simple, use environment variables, and document your configurations to ensure easy maintenance and collaboration.

Solution Description
Environment Variables Use environment variables to create separate configurations for each branch
Branch-Specific app.yaml Files Create separate app.yaml files for each branch and use a script or tool to switch between them
Configuration Management Tool Use a tool like config or fig to manage multiple environments and configurations

By following these solutions and best practices, you’ll be able to change the contents of app.yaml per branch with ease, making your development process more efficient and streamlined.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to ace your app hosting game with these frequently asked questions about changing the contents of apphosting.yaml per branch!

How can I change the contents of apphosting.yaml per branch?

You can create a separate apphosting.yaml file for each branch by adding a YAML file with the same name to your branch directory. This will override the default apphosting.yaml file in your root directory. For example, if you have a branch named “staging”, you can create a apphosting-staging.yaml file in your root directory, and its contents will be used for that branch.

What if I want to inherit some settings from the default apphosting.yaml file?

You can inherit settings from the default apphosting.yaml file by using the `extends` keyword in your branch-specific YAML file. For example, if you want to inherit the default runtime and handlers settings, you can add `extends: apphosting.yaml` at the top of your branch-specific YAML file, and then override or add new settings as needed.

Can I use environment variables in my apphosting.yaml file?

Yes, you can use environment variables in your apphosting.yaml file. You can define environment variables in your YAML file using the `env_variables` keyword, and then reference them in your settings using `${VARIABLE_NAME}`. For example, you can define a `STAGING_BUCKET` environment variable and then use it to set the `bucket` setting for your app.

How do I deploy my app with the branch-specific apphosting.yaml file?

To deploy your app with the branch-specific apphosting.yaml file, you need to specify the YAML file when running the `gcloud app deploy` command. You can do this by adding the `–yaml` flag followed by the path to your branch-specific YAML file. For example, `gcloud app deploy –yaml apphosting-staging.yaml` will deploy your app using the settings in the apphosting-staging.yaml file.

What if I have multiple YAML files in my branch directory?

If you have multiple YAML files in your branch directory, the `gcloud app deploy` command will use the first one it finds. To avoid any conflicts, it’s recommended to have only one YAML file per branch directory, or to specify the exact YAML file you want to use when running the deployment command.

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